6/20 (THU) [영어로 듣는 뉴스] 5성급 호텔 서울 33개, 부산 10개..광주 등 6개 시도는 '전무'

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[Busan Updates]
무법천지 캠퍼스. 과속 차량에 음주 킥보드 질주까지
절반만 취업한 부산 1인 가구, 역대 최다
전국 최초 외국인 전용 지역화폐 부산페이 출시
부산해양자연박물관, 부산시어 고등어·고갈비문화 홍보

[News Digest]
5월 전기·가스·수도 물가, 2년 5개월 만 최저 기록
OECD보다 55% 더 비싼 韓의식주. 사과·티셔츠값 1위
'불법 리베이트' 수사 착수. 의료계 전방위 확산
이스라엘군, 레바논 공격 승인. 헤즈볼라와 전면전?

Biden to offer legal status to 500,000 immigrant spouses

[ISSUE 와글와글]
부산 폐기물 야적장서 화재. 폭염에 배터리 과열 추정
정부청사 내 ‘손풍기 반입제한’에 공무원들 불만
성인 5명 중 1명꼴로 수영장서 소변 본 경험 있어
공공 수영장, 평균 75리터 소변 섞여 있어..연구결과
"SNS 담배만큼 해로워" 美보건, 경고문구 권고
美 LA, 초·중학교 휴대폰 사용 전면 금지

[Special Interview]
#1. Vladimir Putin's Visit to North Korea
김병주 교수, 한국외국어대학교

President Vladimir Putin of Russia visited North Korea this week to meet with its leader, Kim Jong-un, as the two countries strengthen military ties to support Putin's war in Ukraine with North Korean weapons. This was Putin's first visit to North Korea since 2000, highlighting the nation's growing strategic importance for Russia, particularly in supplying conventional weapons. The visit follows a meeting between Kim and Putin in Russia’s Far East last September, marking a new era of relations between the two countries. Let’s find out went on in this pivotal meeting.

We have Professor 김병주, Former Diplomat and Affiliate Professor at 한국 University of Foreign Studies joining us on air to delve further into the implications of the visit.
#2. A Far-Right Wave in the EU
Prof. Matt Fitzpatrick, Flinders University

This year’s European Parliament elections witnessed a rise in far-right parties. The shift to the right should not come as a surprise as the election outcomes underscored the prolonged and multifaceted nature of this rightward trend among the European public. Experts say this shift may have a greater influence on the internal politics of the EU's individual member states than on the bloc’s overall policies. So, let’s find out what that will look like, as well as explore why this shift began.

We have Professor Matt Fitzpatrick, a Professor in International History at Flinders University to help clear up the picture.

◆ MWB 홈페이지 https://befm.or.kr/program/main.php?p...
◆ 문자: #9050 (100원)
◆ 카카오톡 플러스친구: https://pf.kakao.com/_ZEyQV
◆ 팟빵 : https://m.podbbang.com/channels/1773389

#North #Russia #France #Right #김병주 #MattFitzpatrick #부산영어방송 #befm
#morningwaveinbusan #시사영어 #english #출근길영어 #날씨영어
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