桑寬 2024 Sang Kuan 2024 #pigeon #pigeonracing

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5 Bekeken
主辦單位: AWC
分類: 成鴿, 一歲鴿
集鴿日期: 20/06/2024
放飛日期: 23/06/2024
放飛地座標: 46°50'25" / 02°55'13"

Organizer: AWC
Categories: Old pigeons, Yearlings
Collecting date: 20/06/2024
Release date: 23/06/2024
Release location: 46°50'25" / 02°55'13"

比利時 一歲鴿 全國冠軍
Team Baetens (貝騰斯團隊) (Sint Niklaas)
比利時 桑寬 2024"一歲鴿" 全國冠軍
Team Baetens (Sint Niklaas).
冠軍鴿在星期日 13:23 CEST 完成打鐘,空距為488.98公里
平均分速為1326.47 公尺/分

比利時 成鴿 全國冠軍
Team Baetens (貝騰斯團隊) (Sint Niklaas)
比利時 桑寬 2024"成鴿" 全國冠軍
Team Baetens (Sint Niklaas).
冠軍鴿在星期日 13:23 CEST 完成打鐘,空距為488.98公里
平均分速為1326.05 公尺/分

放飛時間:07:15 CEST
放飛地天氣:天空碧藍, 無風, 能見度好

天氣預報: 多雲, 陰雨, 西西南風

桑寬全國賽總共上籠22,711羽賽鴿,包括9,753羽成鴿和 12,958羽一歲鴿。

National Champion Belgium Yearlings
Team Baetens (Sint Niklaas)
National Champion Belgium Sangcoing 2024 "Yearlings"
Team Baetens (Sint Niklaas).
The winner was clocked on Sunday at 13:23 CEST, a distance of 488.98 km
The average speed was 1326.47 m/min

National Champion Belgium Old Birds
Team Baetens (Sint Niklaas)
National Champion Belgium Sangcoing 2024 "Old Birds"
Team Baetens (Sint Niklaas).
The winner was clocked on Sunday at 13:23 CEST, a distance of 488.98 km
The average speed was 1326.05 m/min

Release time: 07:15 CEST
Weather at the release site: blue sky, no wind, Good visibility

Weather map
Weather forecast: Cloudy, rainy, west-southwest wind

Number of pigeons
A total of 22,711 pigeons were basketed for the national race from Sancoing, including 9,753 old birds and 12,958 yearlings.
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