12051 SIWI Seminar Series (2/3): Technical solutions for secure water supplies: Circular Economy

Dovital uw gezondheid- en vitaliteitbevorderende producten
13 Bekeken
To drink, to wash, to build and to produce, we all need water: it must be protected and shared, because it is a common good. But the ecological, climatic, demographic, social and economic crisis completely calls into question the linear model: we pump, use, treat if we have time, and reject: this is no longer possible, neither technically nor ethically. Behind (almost) every wastewater discharge, there is another user or a use.

Certain geographies are hit before others: it is urgent to learn from their experience, understand the techniques that allow the waste of one to be a resource for the neighbor, and involve academic and industry experts to shed light on how to circularize water, energy, and materials.
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