2023 2024 NUR 2356 MDC 1 Exam 1 Test Bank & Exam 1 Blueprint ACTUAL EXAM WITH 140 Complete Questions

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..2023/2024 NUR 2356 MDC 1 Exam 1 Test Bank & Exam 1 Blueprint/ACTUAL EXAM WITH 140 Complete Questions AND Correct Detailed Answers With Rationales: Rasmussen College
NUR 2356 MDC 1
2023/2024 NUR 2356 MDC 1 Exam 1 Test Bank & Exam 1 Blueprint/ACTUAL EXAM WITH 140 Complete Questions AND Correct Detailed Answers With Rationales: Rasmussen College 1. Complications of urinary elimination 2. UTI patient educa- tion 3. A client who has an indwelling catheter reports a need to urinate. Which of the following ac- tions should the nurse take? 4. A nurse is prepar- ing to initiate a bladder-retrain- ing program for a client who has in- continence. Which of the following ac- tions should the nurse take? (Select all that apply.) 5. A nurse is review- ing factors that increase the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) with a client who has recurrent UTIs. Which of the following factors should the nurse include? (Select all that apply.) - UTIs - wipe front to back - pee before and after sex - cleanse beneath foreskin - provide catheter care regularly (nurses) A. Check to see whether the catheter is patent B. Reassure the client that it is not possible for them to urinate. C. Recatheterize the bladder with a larger-gauge catheter. D. Collect a urine specimen for analysis. A. Restrict the client's intake of fluids during the day- time. B. Have the client record urination times. C. Gradually increase the urination intervals. E. Provide a sterile container for urine A. Frequent sexual intercourse B. Lowering of testosterone levels C.Wiping from front to back to clean the perineum D. Location of the urethra closer to the anus E. Frequent catheterization 6. A nurse is teach- ing a client who reports stress uri- nary incontinence. Which of the fol- lowing instructions should the nurse include? (Select all that apply.) 7. When you see in- dications of skin breakdown, what is your next action? 8. What does PQRST stand for? 9. What are some nonverbal signs of pain? 10. What do vital signs look like during acute pain? 11. Before nurses give a pain medication, what should they assess? 12. What are common side effects to pain medications? A. Limit total daily fluid intake. B. Decrease or avoid caffeine. C. Take calcium supplements. D. Avoid drinking alcohol. E. Use the Credé maneuver - Elevate and use corrective devices (pillows, foot boots, trochanter rolls, splints, wedge pillows) Palliative/Provoking Quality Region/Radiation Severity Timing - grimacing - moaning - flinching - guarding - decreased attention span - restlessness, pacing - BP increased - Pulse increased - RR increased - drug interactions - allergies - vital signs - side effects - low BP - low HR - sedation 13. After administer- ing pain medica- tion, what is the fol- low up? 14. What are the com- plications related to pain manage- ment? 15. superficial pain usually involving the skin or subcu- taneous tissue 16. pain in internal or- gans (the stomach or intestines). It can cause referred pain in other body locations separate from the stimulus 17. a type of neuro- pathic pain: sen- sation of pain without demon- strable physiologic or pathologic sub- stance; commonly observed after the amputation of a limb - respiratory depression - orthostatic hypotension - urinary retention - nausea/vomiting - constipation - reevaluate pain level - if given orally, follow up q 1 hour - if given IV, follow up q 15 min - check vital signs! - anxiety
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