A day at Sven Fierens his loft! #pigeons #racingpigeons #birds #loft

Dovital uw gezondheid- en vitaliteitbevorderende producten
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Sven Fierens has secured his position at the top with his foundation of super pigeons from Pitbull of Rudy Van Reeth. He has added the best bloodlines from Dirk Van Den Bulck, Stefaan Lambrechts and Leo Heremans to take on the best. Stock pigeons Yeti and Blauwe Yeti are slowly becoming just as iconic as their grandfather, the famous Pitbull. Sven has specially selected some 'grey gold', 5 special youngsters for this auction from his super breeders Kleine Yeti, Vechter Junior x Blondie, Lewis x Sneeuwwitje and Espen x Grijze Vechtster.
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