Arie Dijkstra | Very Good Quality Breeder Pigeon For Sale | Racing Pigeons | Racer Kabutar

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170 Bekeken
Arie Dijkstra (NL)
Youngsters from the best breeders
Arie Dijkstra possibly owns one of the best allround collections in the world. The Dutchman managed to win races from 100 to 1,000 km with his superior colony and in addition the Dijkstra pigeons perform fantastically on the most prestigious One Loft Races around the world! Stock pair Leonardo x Tinkelbel is renowned within pigeon sport and has now bred 6 generations of first prize winners at the highest level. Due to his health, Dijkstra sold his biggest stars in last year's auction season on PIPA and continued his pigeon sport career with a smaller but quality rich group of pigeons. Arie now offers a superb selection of youngsters from his best breeders, here on PIPA.


Son Olympic King 059
From 2 Nat. Olym. bird all-round ‘22 x sister 3. Nat. Olym. bird LD ‘22
PIPA Exclusive
Bred by:
Arie Dijkstra
Offered by: Arie Dijkstra
Bidding ends 4 Dec 14:30
1 1 hi00 EUR
Latest bid by Tenji


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