Barcelona Special Editions Top Class Racing Pigeon For Sale In Pipa Pigeons Auction

Dovital uw gezondheid- en vitaliteitbevorderende producten
105 Bekeken
Credit Goes To PIPA

Barcelona Special
Collection from International Barcelona's best
The first weekend of July is circled red for many fanciers in Western Europe; it is the weekend of the absolute classic of the International racing program. The battle from Barcelona is a race like no other in pigeon sport. A Barcelona winner without doubt a top pigeon - many colonies were built with the bloodlines of Barcelona winners. PIPA offers children of the greatest modern day Barcelona icons. From stars such as Batenburg-Van De Merwe, Etienne Meirlaen, Herman Hendrix, Jos Thoné, Verweij-De Haan, Daan Besseling, Gerard Schalkwijk, Chris Hebberecht, Thibaut-Boons, Van Ouwerkerk-Dekkers, Jeroen & Stijn Rans and Alain Delhove.

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