Chance To Buy This Great Racing Pigeon | Elite Pigeons Auction | Racing Pigeons 2022

Dovital uw gezondheid- en vitaliteitbevorderende producten
190 Bekeken
As a treasure trove of the Belgian pigeon sport, the breeding center PIPA Elite Center has developed into one of the very best breeding stations in the world. The number of national ace pigeons, 1st prize winners at all levels up to national races and eye-catchers on grandstand races is almost overwhelming. The mighty Porsche 911 family forms the strong base that turns almost everything it is represented in into gold. A selected group of pigeons from unique pairs will be offered in this auction:
- Basic bird Porsche 911 x 1st Nat. Louise, parents of ao 1st Nat. Ace Pigeon KBDB
- wonder breeders Salvador x daughter top pair Prince Porsche x Nadine
- 1st Nat. Souillac Klaas Johannes x super sister of Porsche 911
- Wonder breeder Prince Porsche x top racing hen Queen Remco 430
- Infinity (sire Klaas Johannes out of Golden Prince x New Kim) x Maria, the VD Wouwer prima donna

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Please follow my YouTube channel including raising pigeons.. training pigeons and how to regulate the health of pigeons


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