Exhibition Homer Red #homer #pigeon #dinosaurs

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The Exhibition Homer is a varietal originating from the UK, and is known to be developed since the 1900s. The variety classified into this type of utility form pigeons is known for having great flying ability, and it is very popular among breeders and fanciers. Now these varieties have been found to be cultivated in many countries, and are also increasingly developed for appearance.

Anyone who has read about Homer Pigeon Breeds in the last 15 years must admit that the Exhibition Homer has not only made great advances in Breed Type but also has become very popular and widespread with many Breeders and Fanciers.This is primary due to the Breeds Beauty but also to the dedicated Breeders and the idealistic breeding programmes followed and not lastly to the Judges that have correctly assessed the breed without pandering to personal agenda of either themselves or individual breeders.

If you wish to write a History of the Exhibition Homer Breed, you would need to mention many outstanding Fanciers, with many cross breeding and many failed attempts to bring about a stabile Breed in the UK at the Turn of the 1900’s by British Fanciers, but I will try to avoid that here. However here we should confirm the exceptional Art of the English Breeders of that time, who created a Masterwork with this Breed.We come now to what is demanded of a Breed Typical Exhibition Homer; first and foremost it is a Form Pigeon, so first, leaving aside the unusual and distinctive Head properties, an overall Balanced Exhibition Homer should resemble a powerfully built Racing Pigeon, with however a more markedly elevated Stance. The Feature however the Creators of this Breed altered the most is the uniquely shaped Head that is the main focus of assessment and calls for all the skill any Breeder may possess.

The Head should be carried almost horizontal and in form give the appearance of a blunt wedge. The Skull can only be described as correct for type when it is the required length and depth and straight lines of the fore-face and skull which behind the eye becomes a flattened curve into the Neck. Seen in profile, with only the very minimal curve/indentation between the Beak and Eye and the minimal narrowing of the upper Neck, without which the Head would lose the clean hard lines desired.When looked at from above, the Skull should display a wedge shape with no indentations. The underline of the Face should join the Neck cleanly; a Dewlap would devalue an otherwise promising Bird.

Those who decide on Exhibition Homers as a Breed will never be disappointed; the Breed is extremely vital, has good homing and parenting abilities. They are equally at home in free flight or in a large aviary/flight.
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