How to Recover Pigeons After the Race - The First Meal

Dovital uw gezondheid- en vitaliteitbevorderende producten
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In this video, we will present you our own way to recover the pigeons in the most optimal way after the race. The recovery after the race is the first and most important step when starting to prepare our pigeons for the upcoming race. You will be able to see in detail, what we administer to our pigeons as a first meal, and what kind of ingredients and supplements we add to their drinking water so that we can ensure they have a fast and efficient recovery in the first days after the arrival from the race. The mixture that we add to their drinking water consists of Herbal Tea, Lemon, Honey, and two of our best products: Biotics and Amino Forte from Cest Pharma! In the upcoming videos, we will present you the next meals and what exactly the pigeons get in terms of food and supplementation to facilitate a fast and efficient recovery.
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