Making the Racing Pigeon "Fun Flock" Funner, Good-er and Bigger!!

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Building my Staf Van Reet (SVR) racing pigeon family and enjoying my "Fun Flock" are about all I have time for...but I'm committed to the process and I'll still be making videos to share the journey and pigeons that are available for those wanting to add Speed, Endurance and Beauty to their racing pigeon family!!

Located in the USA, I specialize in working with the "Staf Van Reet" (SVR) strain of racing pigeons. My SVR birds are not only known for their speed, but also their endurance and toughness...competing and winning from 100-350 miles as young birds and out to 500 miles as old birds in fast and slow races...they're also incredibly beautiful pigeons!! This channel is dedicated to my journey building my pigeon family as well as showcasing individual pigeons within the family and birds available for sale. I also keep a "Fun Flock" to enjoy flying around and training...just for fun!! If you're interested in acquiring some of our SVR pigeons for racing or breeding, send me an email at
God Bless,
- Graham Byrum
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