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→ Britons have been the most prolific illegal migrants

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It’s ironic really.

Britons have probably been the most prolific illegal migrants in the history of the planet.

Those Britons in the past usurped and then settled in far-off countries. If their descendants all had to return to their ‘home nation’ there wouldn’t be enough room for them here.

Nearly 90% of the world’s nations have at various times in history been taken over by the British. Only 22 of the globe’s countries remain untouched by a British intrusion involving “force, the threat of force, negotiation or payment”.


We mostly didn’t go in peace, but most often to plunder other nations of their wealth, as well as millions of their people via a vicious slave trade.

Indeed, the world order of countries today remains unbalanced because of the past colonial pursuits of Britain and other European countries.

Our country’s wealth and relative high standard of living is in great part based on our pillage of the property and people of other countries in the past.

Many of those countries today remain poor because of previous colonialism – and it’s many of those countries today that have the greatest numbers of displaced peoples and refugees.

Yet the rise of the far-right in the UK, and across much of our continent, has been driven mostly by an irrational dislike, fear and alarm of the numbers of migrants.

Let’s get this straight.

Britain needs migrants. That’s because we have more jobs than Britons to do them. And that’s because we have a plummeting birth rate and a rapidly increasing older population.

Currently there are around six million foreign-born workers in gainful employment here, helping our country, making a significant contribution to our economy and Treasury.

If they all left, we wouldn’t have enough Britons to do their jobs.

More migrants are coming to Britain than ever before, invited here with visas issued by our government to do vital jobs here.

We need them.

As for refugees, they are not migrants. A migrant can leave their home country and voluntary return at any time. Refugees cannot because their home countries are not safe.

If their countries were safe, the UK government could send them back. But they can’t send them back to unsafe countries.

Most of the world’s refugees don’t come to the UK and most don’t want to. The relative few who do mostly have compelling reasons, such as that they already have family here.

Most of those arriving here by flimsy boats are found to be genuine refugees.

We must counter the nasty, xenophobic rhetoric against migrants and refugees that is driving the rise of the far right.

Scapegoating migrants is not the answer. Hating them means hating us. After all, we’re all descended from migrants.

© Video and report by @JonDanzig

#migrants #refugees #brexit
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