
Real Madrid Loft - 340 Miles Young Bird Race - Racing Pigeons

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342 Bekeken
Real Madrid Loft, invites us to his home and pigeon racing loft. Bastins, Houbens and other local pigeon racing bloodlines you may have never herd about before. Famous pigeons descendants like Magnum of Ron Defritis and Houbens. The race was set to be 150 miles, however due to some type of mistake the liberation was set at 340 miles. The pigeons returned and in groups! They will need to rest, and the combine sort out what on earth they did wrong. Learn about local pigeon racing bloodlines like the "torcidos" and see the excitement of these fanciers as their loved birds return home. Breeding program is explained. Racing pigeons return and we enjoy a nice weekend with friends and animals. The loft, manages strains of birds from the best of Miami in Southwest Florida.
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