
Salvage Loft - 500 millas - Discutiendo el campionato adultas 鸽子

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The Nunez Brothers of Le-high Acres, Florida wait for pigeons to return from a 500 mile race. However, a late release due to fog and headwinds turn this into a 2 day race. With 1st Champion Loft in the combine in their grasp, they must clock as many birds as their opponent whose phone calls demand that 8 birds be clocked at the loft for this event to be a contender for this award. after a frustrating wait finally the joy of appreciating their total bird count is clear. 500 miles, final race, second day, no day birds and the desire to be the local champion all at stake. Sorry for not having English subtitles we are currently dealing with program changes due to windows 10 and video editing has become a serious concern. The second day of racing starts with Cuban coffee, which stills has to head numb after just a small shot!
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