Selling Belgium Import pigeons (Jos Thone Blood)

Dovital uw gezondheid- en vitaliteitbevorderende producten
117 Bekeken
These birds are a great addition to your loft. If your looking for long distance birds and or birds that will be there on the final race of One Loft Races this is your bloodline.
Jos Thone is 4x world champion
6x Gouden Duif
5x olympaid pigeon
The pedigrees shown in video are the parents that were imported. Birds purchased will come with pedigrees.
If you are interested in purchasing any of the birds in this video please comment below or email
Buyer will be responsible for shipping costs unless organizing a pick up.

#hobby #pigeon #oneloftracing #bird #pigeonracing #sports #pigeonsport #pigeonbird #kabootar #paloma
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