Shocking Theft: Top Racing Pigeons Stolen from Tom & Marnick Van Gaver's Loft!

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Tragedy strikes the racing pigeon world! In a daring nighttime heist, thieves broke into the loft of renowned Belgian breeders Tom and Marnick Van Gaver, stealing five of their most valuable pigeons, including the legendary Finn and Ricky.

The audacious thieves bypassed alarms, cut through fences, and even entered through the roof to carry out the crime. Police are investigating with CCTV footage showing the culprits in action.
Can these priceless pigeons be recovered? A reward is being offered for the golden tip!

???? If you have any information, contact the Rhode & Schelde Police at +32(0)9 363 74 20.

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#RacingPigeons #PigeonTheft #TomAndMarnickVanGaver"
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