SWEENEY VS SWEENEY DOCKET #2012-11558, #2019-26997, #2023-10010 TREASON, TYRANNY, PIRACY, R.I.C.O,

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We are living in a lawless system since 2017. The trickery and fraud is in the English language. The grammatical deception, the ALL CAPITAL LETTER FRAUD, the birthcertificate, all to gain access to your Cestui que vie trust, Act of 1666.

I am a concerned member of the public, concerned about all of our well being here on earth in this "Now Space" and their evil agenda.Just like Klaus Schwab said, "You will own nothing and be happy". How has the Great Reset benefited us? It hasn't! It has harmed us! I am just a messenger, educating and exposing what I personally have experienced and using this experience to warn others of the damage that our so-called Govt forces upon us. Question and investigate everything!

For educational purposes, in my personal case I connect Marguerite & Thomas Sweeney, Todd Gerstemeier, John Roberts conspiring to intentionally harm and commit fraud with authorities aiding and abbetting to intentionally punish, bully, harasss, harm and destroy the Mother's of their offsprings and to profit off their inheritances. It also ties in the Free mason cult and how the free masons have placed all their agents in high authorative jobs, giving them power to hide their agenda and to continue their abuse on ALL OF US.(ie. stealing our offspring, property, assets, bank accounts, estates and more).Could we all be living in peace and harmony, loving our neighbors like the Torah guides us too, if we all had access to our CQV Trusts? Everyone would be an equal, no labels, no trickery, no evil. Could they have fooled us into modern day slavery? Are we chattel? How do you search the bc for a stock symbol? Are individuals used for collateral on the national debt? Do birthcertificates have cusip numbers? How do we decode the cusip number and the value, since the SSN is the insurance account to the BC CQV Trust fund? Shouldnt we all be living in peace and harmony, loving our neighbors like the Torah guides us too, if we all had access to our CQV Trusts? Can you imagine if everyone was an equal, no heirarchy, no kings and queens, no labels, no trickery, no evil? Why are we working like slaves and we allow the elite, the freemasons steel our sweat labor, through taxes and there fake corporations?Those are some loaded questions to ask yourself and to do your own due diligence. Its time to build our own Tribe, our own Military to ward of the evildoers of this world!

Some signs that come to mind is when my husband at the time, Thomas Sweeney told my son Dillon at the age of 2 yrs old that he would run his "EMPIRE". Who uses that language today? He made me believe we were broke and that I was the bread winner. He hid his money with his mother from day 1. This marriage was premeditated and I was targeted. Oder of Chaos was his MO, modus operandi.

He is King in his own fictional world, using fiat federal reserve credit, and he has mimiced the Bernie Madoff scandal but improved it dramatically. Tom Sweeney partnerships with REIT, investment companies, Insurance companies, govt contracts,, Big Pharma, the medical field, construction/roofing corporations, malls, theaters, architects, financial institutions, banks, and the list goes on. Again, "you will own nothing and be happy".

If Tom Sweeney loved his wife and offspring, why wouldnt he share his knowledge about the corruption and place us all on the private side vs the public side? This is not a man who ever loved someone or can love at all, his allegiance is with money, ego, control, power and Lucifer(the Free mason cult).

I believe Aba our Father and Yeshua is shinning the light on these criminals and they will be judged in the Heavenly Courts, which truly are the only courts that matter.
Aba Bless

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#parentalalienation #cestuiquevietrusts #birthcertificatefraud #actof1666 #cqv #insurancefraud #mortgagefraud #breachoftrust #rico #fractionalbanking #assetstripping #financialfraud
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