The Final Winner Racing Pigeon Of Derby Arona 2024 For Sale In Pipa Pigeons Auction

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41 Bekeken
Credit Goes To PIPA Pigeons Auction

The 1. final winner of the Derby Arona 2024

- - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - -


Winner of

1. final race winner 322 birds Derby Arona 2024

54. s-final race winner 351 birds Derby Arona 2024

65. prize winner Gran Canaria Endurance Race 379 birds Derby Arona 2024

152. prize winner Hot Spot 2 with 357 birds Derby Arona 2024

200. prize winner Survival Hot Spot race 1 with 672 birds Derby Arona 2024

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2. Grand Average Int. King Of Sprint Derby Arona 2024

6. Grand Average Int. King Of Atlantic Derby Arona 2024

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79. prize Training 5 with 1,076 birds Derby Arona 2024

89. prize Race 10 with 732 birds Derby Arona 2024

93. prize Training 7 with 1,006 birds Derby Arona 2024

Also 117.-142.-144. etc. Training / Sea Races / Qualification


#pipa #pigeon #kabutar #colombofilia #racingpigeon #pipapigeon
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