Weekly update: How the 24… 23 racing pigeons are progressing

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Welcome back to Little loft on the hill! In this week's video, we're updating you on the progress of our 24 racing pigeons. Here's what happened:

Sadly we have dropped a bird. RIP: AU 2023 BURAK 3

We've assigned chip rings to all the pigeons

We have started road training in all directions around the loft

Curious about each bird's progress in training? Check out this https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14XZZZ30NLT5P9QJRFuT0tE8rj1ZPVA6h2O7UMz5LItg/edit?usp=sharing for detailed information on their performance.

Want details on competing in 2024? Sign up https://forms.gle/L39QBXVQgCQ4gF4E6 and we will keep you updated on the details of next year's team!

Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe to stay updated on our team's journey!

#racingpigeon #pigeon #paloma #pigeontraining
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