What are PEC members' favorite pigeons? PART 1

Dovital uw gezondheid- en vitaliteitbevorderende producten
70 Bekeken
Creating a family of pigeons which is capable of dominating around the world. National victories, national ace pigeons and titles at International One Loft Races; that was the goal which Nikolaas Gyselbrecht had in mind some 15 years ago when establishing the PIPA Elite Center. This goal was not only achieved, but all expectations were exceeded. Year after year, records were broken at the KBDB Ace Pigeon championships, and one victory was quickly followed by another. When things seemed like they couldn’t get any better, Nikolaas decided to auction all breeders and racers from 2021 and older*, in addition to a selection of youngsters from 2022 and 2023 from the best pigeons.

More info: www.pipa.be
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