Will This OLD Pigeon Breed ( STORMS FATHER )

Dovital uw gezondheid- en vitaliteitbevorderende producten
179 Bekeken
A random offer to take Storms father & see if we can pair him up with storm to produce some young birds for stock! can we get this old pigeons to fill some eggs?

OUR WEBSITE: http://maneylofts.com/
RACING PIGEONS: https://bit.ly/3eIiWjs
HIGH FLYERS: https://bit.ly/3zjjoy9
VELOCITY SERIES: https://bit.ly/3zxccyR
PIGEON INFO: https://bit.ly/3nbWFj1

#pigeon #pigeons #pigeonlofts #racingpigeons #birds #kabootar #merpati #kalapati
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