Worlds Top Class Racing Pigeons For Sale | Racer Kabutar | Best Kittel | Porsche 911 | Mike Ganus

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Worlds Top Class Racing Pigeons For Sale | Racer Kabutar | Best Kittel | Porsche 911 | Mike Ganus

Auction details
Especially forr you the doors of this impressive breedingloft open again:
Exceptional 5-star offer - direct daughter of "De Flup"

But also children out following top birds are bred and selected by Herbots Gebroeders

"De Flup": 7th, 9th, 9th, 9th National winner

"Supreme": 1st and 2nd National winner - father to 2nd, 3rd, 22nd, 37th, 65th and 75th National winner

"Bachelor": 1st National - fastest 21,070b. Chateauroux

"Olympic Jules": Olympiad bird and 1st Nat. ace KBDB short distance yearbirds - bred in several generations winners on all levels

"Jonge Bertus": 1st World Best Pigeon and 1st National ace NPO/WHZB short distance

"Crazy Fighter": 1st World Best Pigeon

"Olympic Madonna": Olympiad bird Poznan '19

"F-Wicky": 8th, 57th, 73rd, 91st and 95th National winner at Van Oeckel

"Olympic Boss": 1st and 3rd Olympiad bird winner

But also grandchildren of world-famous champion birds such as "Harry", "Kittel", "Best Kittel", "Big Boss", "Geoff", "Yvan", ... are offered in this exclusive internet auction

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