CM Yogi Adityanath's advisor Awanish Awasthi | UPSC CSE AIR 4 of 1987 Batch

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73 Bekeken
0:00 - precap & intro
1:18- How advisors are appointed
1:35- How advisor role is different from secretary
1:56- Transition from IAS to advisor
3:27- Uttar pradesh and vision of Yogi adityanath ji
6:08- Uttar pradesh & BIMARU states
6:53- How yogi adityanath ji is different from other CM's
9:18- Taking decisions on the spot
10:10- Why civil service ?
13:26- is civil service overglorified ?
15:48- Failure in UPSC and who should go for UPSC
17:40- Bureaucracy as regular sarkari job
19:07- Minimum government maximum governance
20:32 - Qualities one should have to join civil service
22:33- secret of energy at the age of 61
23:08- Family and social life
24:42- teaching Grandchildren
25:43- Journey with wife Padma Shri Malini Awasthi ji
26:51- How you keep calm ?
28:14- moral dilemma in career
28:50- Four phases in life of IAS officer
30:22- Retirement feeling
31:00- College days at IIT Kanpur
32.25- Culture at IIT Kanpur
32:48- Escapes from work
33:30- Future plans
34:10- corporate vs civil service
34:42- Teacher predicted in class 1 that you will crack upsc
35:51- most influential person in life
36:30- never force your children
37:15- lowest moment in life
38:00- advices for students taking pressure in life
38:39- Questions asked in UPSC interview
39:44- advices for youth and aspirants






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