Racing Pigeon Loft Updates and RPRA Controversy

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In our latest video, we're bringing you up to speed with all the happenings in our pigeon loft. Exciting news – we now have eggs! However, the breeding process isn't without its challenges as we eagerly await eggs from three recently shuffled pairs.

But that's not all we discuss in this video. We delve into the concerning issues surrounding the governing body of our sport, the RPRA. With losses totalling close to £400,000 in the last two years and only £600,000 left in reserves, there are whispers of an emergency ruling. This ruling entails doubling the members' fee from £17 to £35 each.

Join us as we share our thoughts on how these developments might impact the future of pigeon racing. We believe that years of mismanagement do not warrant such drastic measures and fear the potential repercussions on the sport we love.

Whether you're an existing pigeon fancier or someone looking to join the sport, this video offers valuable insights into the current state of affairs in pigeon racing. Watch now and join the conversation!
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